Contact details

Charlotte Vidler, ANZ

Radhika D., SE Asia, India

Iris Teh, Asia

Welcome to Domo Partner Marketing Portal

Thank you for selecting our Starter A package. Please find further details below.

Starter A package

$1.5K (Valued at $3K)

What's included:

In more detail

  • Campaign consultation with M&C
  • 1 x eDM nurture campaign
    • Write engaging eDM following best practice (research, writing and review)
    • End-to-end production of eDM (banner design, eDM design, eDM production)
    • eDM Send out (including collation of lists)
    • Daily monitoring and reporting on campaign performance
  • 1 LinkedIn sponsored brand awareness campaign
    • Campaign set up in LinkedIn to best practice standards
    • 1 x LinkedIn static tile + post copy

*Please note that this doesn’t include content development. We will use content already developed for promotion in the eDM and LinkedIn campaigns.