Contact details

Charlotte Vidler, ANZ

Radhika D., SE Asia, India

Iris Teh, Asia

Welcome to Domo Partner Marketing Portal

Thank you for selecting our Supercharged package. Please find further details below.

Supercharged package

$20K (Valued at $40K)

What's included:

In more detail

  • Campaign consultation with M&C
  • 1 x roundtable event in location of your choice
    • Campaign consultation with M&C
    • Strategise and develop event flow and run sheet (thinking behind best format, timings, speakers)
    • Event venue selection and management (research, liaising with venues, costing, management)
    • Moderator and speaker selection (research into who would be best suited, approaching speakers/moderators, liaising and negotiation) *excludes moderator/speaker fee
    • Develop event invitation copy (develop engaging content, creative design, production)
    • Event venue selection and management (research, liaising with venues, costing, management)
    • Event briefing (preparation, documentation, having call)
    • Liaise with all parties on invite send out and RSVP management (working with partner to capture all responses and do follow-ups)
    • End-to-end event management and concierge service to ensure a successful event (liaise with f&b, virtual set-up, recording session, note-taking, photo-taking etc)
    • Weekly reporting on event management status
    • Customised notebook content and design for print production [does not include print cost] (research, design mock ups, liaising with client, liaising with printers)
    • eDM thank you for attending/sorry we missed you (promoting upcoming thought leadership piece)
    • Create .oft file showcasing the thought leadership piece to send out as eDM to database
  • 1 x thought leadership discussion paper
    • Develop engaging thought leadership discussion paper from the conversation generated at roundtable event (research, writing and review)
  • 1 x short video vignette/infographic
    • Create video vignette or infographic based on content from thought leadership paper (creative development and review)
  • 1 x landing page
    • Develop a landing page to house the thought leadership discussion paper and associated video vignette/infographic
  • 1 x LinkedIn sponsored brand awareness, nurture and consideration, and lead-generation campaign
    • Campaign set up in LinkedIn to best practice standards
    • 1 LinkedIn static tile + post copy (brand awareness)
    • 1 LinkedIn static tile + post copy (nurture and consideration)
    • 1 LinkedIn static tile + post copy (lead-generation)
    • Daily management of all LinkedIn campaigns
    • Weekly reporting on results
  • 1 x Google Ads Lead Generation campaign
    • Utilise Google Ads’ lead-generation form feature to capture contact information directly from potential leads
    • End-to-end production of campaign (copy and creative design, campaign set-up)
    • Daily monitoring and reporting on campaign performance
  • 1 x sponsored campaign with paid media partner
    • Liaising with paid media partner (gathering assets, developing copy)
    • Daily monitoring and reporting on campaign performance