M&C enhances the visibility of DBS’s Digital Economy Group through Account-Based Marketing initiatives

An integrated LinkedIn ABM campaign targets 380 Asian tech companies.

Project overview

DBS’s Digital Economy Group provides strategic support and best-in-class services to tech start-ups at every stage of the business growth cycle. As a long-standing client, DBS approached us to generate greater awareness of DEG services in Asia: India, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and Taiwan.

We recommended an integrated LinkedIn ABM campaign strategy targeting C-Suite executives in 380 Asian tech companies. The campaign comprised several components, including brand awareness, nurturing, and lead generation, and was coupled with a paid media strategy.

Why ABM and retargeting?

  • ABM is a highly personal approach. It involves targeting key decision-makers within a company and building a creative and personalised pitch focused on their unique problems and how you can solve them.
  • Retargeting involves targeting users who have already interacted with a business, such as DBS. This generally means that there is a higher chance of the user converting, as they have already taken the first step to investigate the brand, either by visiting the website, visiting the social media channels, or giving their email address through forms.
  • LinkedIn retargeting campaigns allow businesses to improve awareness and create individualised messages.

Campaign highlights: We ran nine LinkedIn campaigns across three phases, generating 3,527,151 impressions and 19,327 clicks, with a CTR of 0.55%. These metrics surpassed most B2B LinkedIn campaign benchmarks.

An important part of the campaign was also three paid media campaigns with two carefully selected media partners: Tech in Asia (Southeast Asia) and Economic Times Online (India). There were two English and one Bahasa Indonesia articles created for the campaigns.

In summary, the DEG brand name has been firmly established through this campaign, paving the way for further marketing campaigns to capitalise on these results.

Phase 1: brand awareness

  • Created momentum and traction in driving brand awareness around DEG before going into the Phase 2 nurture campaigns.

Phase 2: nurture and consideration

  • In this phase, we retargeted those who engaged with all brand awareness campaigns (Phase 1) to move them down the marketing funnel.
  • We used region-specific content and targeted communications based on region-specific content for retail, fintech, and e-commerce.

Phase 3: lead generation

  • In the final phase, we retargeted those who engaged with the Phase 2 campaigns to generate high-quality leads.
  • We used a prime, downloadable asset with a lead generation form.

In summary, the DEG brand name has been firmly established through this campaign, paving the way for further marketing campaigns to capitalise on these results.



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