This month, our Founder/Managing Director, Gemma Manning, joined a gathering of entrepreneurs and thought leaders in Sydney talk all things ASEAN.
It was a fantastic opportunity to develop ideas and relationships within the ASEAN business community, particularly around start-ups.
According to the Asia Briefing, released in accordance to the Summit, “The NSW government is providing financial support to a scheme to bring young Southeast Asian entrepreneurs into the Sydney start-up scene. And the relatively new Australia-ASEAN Business Council has developed a link with the ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs Council to increase contact between start-ups in Australia and Southeast Asia.”
The brief went on to mention, “The Singapore-based founder of accelerator company Gemstar, Gemma Manning, told a gathering of ASEAN entrepreneurs that too many Australian start-ups failed in the region because they didn’t understand enough about the local market conditions.”
Gemma spoke about our sister company, Gemstar, and how through programs such as YoungGems, we are helping entrepreneurs and start-ups get a head start through a connected presence that now spans Singapore, Sydney, Saigon and soon, Perth. By focusing on a market-led approach and building market readiness, Gemstar and M&C can help businesses achieve success in ASEAN expansion.
Further mentions from the summit included the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, who acknowledged Gemstar as an Australian company playing a critical role in helping Aussie businesses expand into Asia.
“There is a vibrant scene of innovative startups, venture capital platforms and business opportunities in many ASEAN countries. Singapore itself has welcomed a number of tech accelerators such as…Gemstar Technology“.