M&C’s head of design inspires next-gen designers

M&C’s Design Dynamo Shares Top Tips with Budding Design Artists in Batam

Our Head of Digital and Design, Fahmi Sugandi, recently shared his expert insights with Animation and Visual Communication Design students at one of the top vocational high schools in Batam, SMKN 9 Batam, who visited our design studio.

As part of the in-depth talk, Fahmi discussed the best way for students to start a career in the creative industry. He shared his top tips on what to prepare for, what employers are looking for, and how to stand out. The students loved the session and left our studio feeling inspired and energized about their future design careers.

To find out more about how you can start a design or digital marketing career, reach out and talk to one of our team at hello@manningandcogroup.com.