
Radhika D.

Marketing Operations Director

As the Marketing Operations Director at Manning & Co., Radhika manages project execution across various geographies and client portfolios. Based in Singapore, Radhika boasts more than 15 years of invaluable experience in B2B communications, with a strong background in content marketing.

In her previous career, Radhika was an award-winning business journalist, and she consistently brings a positive attitude and abundant energy to all her interactions.

More about Radhika D.

Can you tell me how long you’ve been working at M&C and what your role is?

I’ve been here for almost 3 years. I joined M&C as a content and client services manager and spent about two years in that role. I’m currently the head of operations, responsible for project planning, successful project delivery for clients, including budgets, timelines and project quality. I also oversee internal processes and systems for workflow and resource optimisation.

A critical requirement for this role is the ability to work with people across geographies and with different working styles. It’s put me outside my comfort zone, and I love the work.

Do you have any hobbies you want to tell us about?

I’m a children’s book author. I don’t have the time to write anymore but I loved writing these books when my daughter was still young, and I was working part-time. I’ve written 2 books. One is for younger children called Mountain of Fire; a story based on the slopes of Mount Merapi in Java—one of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes. I got the idea for this book when I lived in Jakarta. The second book is The Fibonacci Revelation, a murder mystery based. Both books were published in Singapore.

I’ve spoken at many Singapore primary schools, signing books, giving workshops and giving author talks. I’ve also been a part of the Asian Festival of Children’s Content. Talking to children is an absolute riot!

Do you have any passion projects you are working on currently?

Actually, yes. I’m creating an M&C Centre of Excellence, which will be a repository of best practices guides and templates for the organisation. We recently celebrated our 15th anniversary and have so much knowledge spread across the organisation. This initiative will “house’’ all the organisational knowledge.

What’s your favourite way to spend a day off?

I love staying at home and binging on a show. My daughter and I play video games together, by which I mean, she does the playing and I strategise from the couch. We are currently playing the zombie apocalypse game “Last of Us,” which was recently turned into a show on HBO.