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The Task

M&C enjoys a close relationship with Trans – Tasman Business Circle and when they asked us to help develop a strategy for their new venture, SportsConnect, a platform bringing sport and business together, we happily embraced the challenge of creating a strategy that identified  a gap in the market place and would position SportsConnect like no other organisation.

M&C Solution

M&C conducted a strategic brand and marketing discovery workshop with the founder of SportsConnect to unpack what the new business would essentially offer the market and how it would be different to other players. After our research and discovery session, we not only delivered a strategic brand model that clearly defined the businesses traits, values and attributes, we tapped into the very issues facing the sport sector and professional atheletes and identified services that would assist the transition of athletes into business post thier sporting career. Part of this was to introduce a Ambassador and Patron programme which automatically attached credibility to the organiastion.


M&C continues to operate as SportsConnect strategic marketing partner and not only has secured SportsConnect significant media coverage in the business media (The Australian, CEO Magazine, Business Insider etc), but also partners with SportsConnect as part of their consulting arm delivering strategic brand and marketing advice to sporting clubs as well as indiviudal athletes and players associations.

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