M& - Award-winning Marketing Agency Singapore

Reinvigorating your Marketing Strategy in 2015

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Being inspired is a key theme at M&C this year. Part of our interest in the UNstoppables expedition to Antarctica is to be surrounded by inspiring people so we ourselves can be uplifted in our thinking and view of the world.
So we’ve put together some of our key strategies for 2015 to ensure that we inspire, create and grow this year.
Where do you start with your marketing strategy?
1. Break it down: So segmentation may not be the most glamourous area of marketing, however reviewing your market segments is a great way to reinvigorate your marketing strategy. Part of Manning & Co’s strategy is to ensure that we develop key personas for each market segment with tailored value propositions. We start by investigating the sectors, making sure that our clients are targeting the right groups of people. Then we develop pain points for each segment. These pain points are crucial. If you’re not aware of the problems your clients face, then you’re not paying enough attention!

2. Clients First: Our next strategic point is to ensure that we’re communicating effectively by tailoring messaging in line with segmentation. It’s more than just making sure “we speak your language”; it’s about knowing your clients better than they know themselves. This knowledge brings about greater connectivity and engagement. It comes back to making sure you have proper market segmentation and then letting your communications cascade down through the varying levels and identities that are naturally created in the marketplace.

3. Reflect on your Brand Model: Your brand model should be the foundation of your market position now and into the future. If you already have a brand model in place, there’s nothing like the start of the year to take the time for review. Some of the things you want to look for are market changes, such as, if there have been any business or environment changes in your industry, what are the new tech disruptions or how up to the minute is your knowledge of your positioning.

It is time to reach into the marketing toolkit and start preparing for an inspiring year ahead. Our 2015 mantra of Inspire – Create – Grow is going to take Manning & Co and our clients to wonderful new places this year. We hope that our top tips have inspired you to make some positive changes in 2015.

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